I am kicking myself...

I am mentally kicking myself... over and over and over again.

On Friday I was browsing doll pics and once again came across Volks Shinsiya. This was the first doll I ever considered getting, the first one I ever planned on getting, and I DO NOT have it today. Why I ask myself? Because I have never liked Volks msd bodies, so I never bought one (why did I not think of buying the doll and then selling the body?)

So, now I am SERIOUSLY wanting this mold again. A mold which is now discontinued and rare, as it was never really popular in the first place, at least not in North America. There are barely any known ones on DoA... none currently for sale... and very little hope of me actually finding one. The only light at the end of this tunnel is that they can go for cheap depending on the seller, but that's only if I actually find a seller.

All this leaves me wondering why now? After all these years, why do I NEED this doll? I obviously didn't need it enough to buy it back then. It doesn't fit into the current aesthetic I like, or physically fit with any of my dolls. So why? Hmmm...

I want it because it's hard to get that's why. Like Yusuke was... *headtowall*